**Sorry that some of the horizontal pictures are cut off on the right side. They do that when I put them on her from Flickr, and the only way I can do the blog from work is to transfer the pics from Flickr.
The cake and many cupcakes. Same as always....vanilla cake with vanilla buttercream!
This was the face she held while everyone was singing 'Happy Birthday', and just stared at the cupcake. Funny thing is, Grandma Lori got her a Melissa and Doug wooden birthday cake set, and she always wants you to sit at the table in the playroom so she can serve you the cake, and then tells you to sing the 'Happy Cake' song to HER. And she dances and laughs as you sing. But muster the smallest smile for everyone singing for her she would not!
Nope, wouldn't try to blow the candles out either (but tries her hardest on the play candles).
Finally!! She gets to eat the cupcake! She'd been begging for one since she saw me get the mixer out.
Family portrait
Bounce House Fun!
Opening presents
This was her bath baby from Alyssa, complete with it's own hooded towel. Carolina LOVES it, and refers to bath time as "Baby Bubble Bath! Baby Bubble Bath!" now.
Her Little People Princess set from Uncle Evan, Aunt Christy, Emily and Abigail. Another favorite, but she does NOT like it if you try to make the horse pull the carriage, she always puts it IN the carriage with the princess.
Her first Tricycle, or 'bike'!
Checkin' it out.
No one told Tanner to push her. He just knew that his best bud needed a little help! So sad to think they are probably leaving us in a few months...We'll miss you!!
Grandmother and Grandaddy stayed for the whole week after her party, which was great. Carolina got to spend a lot of time with them AND they were a huge help in the final stages of moving--THANK YOU!!! We spent most days just hanging around the house. The day before they left we went downtown for the cattle drive that opens up the Rodeo. Although we missed the actual cattle drive, we did get to see the HUGE longhorns. You could take a turn sitting on one but the line was just too long. They also had pony rides, which after quite a few times of me asking "Lina, do you want to ride the horsey?" and "Are you sure, it'll be fun!", she decided that YES, she did want to ride the horsey. Although she cried and pouted when her turn was over, during the actual ride you couldn't tell if she liked it or not. The next day, there was a horse on some commercial and she turned to me and said "I need a horse".
After a lot of bribing with candy from Grandmother, Carolina decided she would sit still for a photo or two.
She has this new thing where she will kiss you to wake you up if you 'Go sleep!' This time Granddaddy actually did doze off for a minute, and Carolina 'shhhhh'ed' us, then walked over to wake him up. Very cute!
Grandmother's gonna get Lina!
Not too sure about the pony at first.
Liking it better.
After that we went to the Annual Bar B Q cook off. It was very interesting to walk around and see all the elaborate set ups all the participants had. Only in Texas, haha. Lina enjoyed riding in her stroller, especially after we got her a cone of popcorn, and she ate the whole thing herself.
Walking around with her milk and fuzzy green purse full of books.
Tickling Daddy
Telling us a detailed story about the 'Bar b toot'
Thursday Feb. 12th, we went to the doctor to see what's going on with her kidneys. The test they ran came back normal, but it was quite the ordeal. The test is called a 'VCUG', and in my opinion they should never do it on an awake 2 yr old. Originally, the doctor said they would sedate her, but then the nurse said they didn't need to. Once they explained how it all would work, Rendon and I were very skeptical. But they proceeded with her totally awake. I had second thoughts halfway through, but didn't stop them. Pretty much as soon they were done, I regretted not stopping it, and still wish I hadn't allowed them to put her through that. They had to strap her down with huge velcro straps, and hold her legs in a frog position as they inserted a catheter. She's been cathed before multiple times, but it was always quick. For this they had to insert radiation into her bladder and take xrays in a CT type contraption continually until she peed. The nurse who insisted that Carolina not be sedated was rude and abrupt the whole time, first complaining that Carolina was 'pushing the catheter back out every time I almost get it' and then that Carolina wasn't peeing fast enough. I'm currently working on submitting a complaint about her, it's just unacceptable to us that a nurse have those expectations of a 2yr old that is strapped down and doesn't have any concept as to why. Carolina was sobbing and struggling the whole time, and couldn't hardly catch her breath even after we were holding her. We didn't even bother trying to put her clothes back on. Just grabbed everything and got out as quick as possible. Luckily it was warm outside, and her Valentines Party was right after. So we headed over to playgroup, and let her eat whatever she wanted! Which, of course, was cupcakes. Her lunch that day was 2 cupcakes! We felt so bad for her. I'm really worried that it's going to cause some kind of emotional trauma from being held down for 35 minutes; sort of claustrophobia or a fear of being trapped. Hopefully, she will have no recollection of it at all.....
Flying high at the Valentines Party
Random cuteness after waking up from a nap one day recently.
Sleepy smile and flushed cheeks. Love it.
One day, due to the humidity or something, her pigtails both made one lil spiral each. I haven't been able to get them to do it again.