Our new home.
We are moving to Anchorage, AK at the beginning of August. We thought
Rendon had until the end of the month to decide, but
Rendon found out he either had to cancel the orders, or cancel the cross training package. They put him on the spot, they needed to know right then. Knowing that the cross training was not a guarantee, and if he cancelled the orders it would be next to impossible to ever get orders somewhere else again, he cancelled the cross training. It may all work out in the next four years; His current job is on the way out so he may have to do forced cross training anyway. If we stay in San Antonio, and he doesn't get the cross training
now, he may not get to do it when the job 'goes away' because a lot of people that work in the hospital at
Lackland are just going to be transferred to
BAMC, instead of going to a new job field. So we will see.
In the meantime I am getting used to the idea of moving. I knew way back in November when we found out we might finally get orders to Alaska that I would have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Up until
Rendon had to cancel the cross training I was excited. Then he called and told me that Alaska was it, and cross training was out the door. My heart kinda sunk a little bit. It surprised me, and it was then that I realized I was actually kinda hoping he would get the cross training. At the same time, I think that had cross training come back as a 'yes', I would feel the same way if we decided not to go to Alaska. I know one thing for sure, I am going to miss the friends I've made here. If only I could take Haley, Becky, and Kristy with me to Alaska! But that's military....I know it won't be goodbye forever. Hopefully it'll work out so we can all get together once a year or so to catch up. I love you girls!! And Carolina is going to miss you too!
We've been trying to go somewhere, do something different, for 3 1/2 years. It all worked out, but all at the same time! On an ironic note, the orders came through on March 17
th. The very same day
Rendon and I met at his frat's St. Patrick's Day party 5 years ago!
Rendon can't wait to get back on the slopes on a regular basis, and I can't wait to be able to ski regularly (attempt...) to get good enough to keep up with
Rendon on some of the more
challenging terrain. He's considering teaching lessons at one of the ski resorts to hopefully cut down on season pass cost ($
1200 at
Alyeska, phew!). There are a few smaller ski areas closer to Anchorage that will be perfect for teaching Carolina to ski. We are finding so many fun things to go see and do, and can't wait to experience all the new and different things.
A few pictures from Rendon's game. They lost (12-10), but Rendon did well. He started and pitched 7 innings. The positions Rendon gets his arm in to pitch the ball mystifies me....I didn't get a good picture of when his arm looks like the elbow is going the completely wrong way, but the second one here is close.

Throwing the ball to first to cut down on the runners lead (I think that's how to phrase it....)

One of the other kids at the game brought their tricycle, scooter, and bubble machine (dedicated mom there to carry all that....Carolina gets a couple books and a little toy or 2). We thought the little girl was at least 3 or maybe even 4, but when I asked her how old she was she said "I'm 2, be 3 in May!". We were blown away, because she looked
much older. Her, Carolina, and another little boy,
Zaden, were playing with her multitude of toys. At one point Carolina was playing with the scooter, and the next time I looked back, she was
standing on it. At first I rushed over because I was terrified she was going to fall, but then I thought well
Jazzmine is 2 and she was riding like a pro. So I knelt down and pulled one of Carolina's feet off and tried to motion it in the right way. She got annoyed at me before I even demonstrated it once. But she was balancing herself great, so I let her be. I kept a close eye on her, and within a few moments she put her foot down (the opposite one I tried to teach her with) and pushed off. And kept going! She went up and down the sidewalk, and the few times that she wobbled, she caught herself! It kept my heart jumping for a lot of the game, but she had TONS of fun. I was
thoroughly impressed. Once
Rendon saw he was amazed too.
In this trip down the sidewalk she was saying "Weeeee, weeeeee!" every time she pushed off.
So Carolina finally learned how to smile on command. It's the same 'cheesy' smile all kids do, but Carolina adds her own little twist. Every time she smile she turns her head to one side or the other and closes her eyes. haha