Big Cheese!
She braved one pic outside inbetween the apt. and car. It's been really warm for Anchorage, about 35 degrees on Halloween, but still cold for a leotard and tights.
Back view. I was pretty proud of my bun, it stayed in all day, and even through nap later!
Mini table bowling. I think this was her second time trying for the 'pins'--empty water bottles--, and she managed to hit 2!
Getting a flower painted on her hand. She refused to let them touch her face.
Surprisingly, she was shy about talking to all the 'regular' people at the booths, but she had no problem talking to the clown. He asked her what she wanted and she promptly replied 'bumble bee!'. Here, she's holding the bee's body while he makes the wings.
Not that you can tell from the pic, but she really loved the bee, and still plays with it all day.
They had a DJ set up playing music, and Carolina just HAD to dance, even though while getting candy she kept rubbing her eyes she was so tired. She crashed for a couple hours when we got home, we had to wake her up for dinner, haha.