Well, not really. But looking at the pictures that Haley took yesterday at the park, that's all I could think. I finally coaxed Carolina's hair into a full on ponytail this week, so she rocked it at playgroup yesterday. It transforms her into a little girl! When Rendon got home Sunday, and saw it for the first time all he could say was "wow, she looks so old!". He was off, so he joined all us ladies at playgroup (I guess he was just THAT bored, haha), so of course, he took Carolina to the 'big kids' part--isn't that what Daddy's do so great, you work so hard to keep them from doing something, and they ruin all your hard work haha.....But she had a lot of fun going down the curvy inclosed slide and swinging on the big swings. I'm including a picture of her besty, Tanner-or "Tanny!!!" as Carolina calls him. They have a love/hate relationship. Carolina gets super excited anytime you mention Tanner and starts prancing around the house saying "Tanny!?!?" Tanny?!?!". Once we pull up, she knows exactly where we are and gets antsy to get out of her carseat. Meanwhile, Tanner is looking out the window waiting for her. Once we walk in, Tanner runs to try and give Carolina a hug and/or kiss, and Carolina makes her 'stink-eye' face, and pushes him away. LOL, her excitement over Tanner tends to end there. That is untill they're both running after eachother yelling "Getcha getcha". Oh, the 'stink-eye' face (ever seen Juno...), yeah, that's her new favorite expression. It's not very attractive, but hilarious to see. As soon as I catch it in a photo, it will be posted for all to enjoy!
For those who don't know, our computer is out of commission for a while. It's getting fixed, but until it is, I'm posting from work, and uploading any pictures from Haley's. So, there might not be much for the next few weeks. But what is lacking in quantity, I will make up in quality...or try to at least....

Just a few photos from today!

Such a pretty girl, and yes, pony tails make them so "little girlish". SO cute though. I recently been able to get Tehya in a pony as well. Girls are so fun.
She's so grown up looking with that pony! She has great balance, Maya still can't do the big kid swings, she gets all scared and wobbly and falls back.
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